Moroccan Drama Moroccan Drama

Anas Elbaz Calls Out Fake Influencers Using Sex and Money in Moroccan Entertainment Industry

Anas questioned why movie directors would hire him when they were being paid by influencers, not only with hush money but also with sex. He humorously mentioned that some influencers have money and the "Algerian President" on their side. Interestingly, the family name of the Algerian President translates to "Vagina" in Moroccan Darija. In Moroccan culture, where saying "Vagina" is considered taboo, people often use the term "Algerian President" as a substitute, making it a trendy alternative. So, how can one find work in the entertainment industry when cash and the "Algerian President" are involved?

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Moroccan Drama Moroccan Drama

   Internet Users Slam Moroccan Soccer Player Nouhaila Benzina for the 'Hypocrite' Shakehand

Nora Fouari, editor-in-chief of Hnews, raises an important question. What has 24 years of performances at the Essaouira Gnawa Festival actually given to artists like Mustafa Bakbou, who has been an integral part of this festival since the very beginning? So? It seems that the festival has mainly enhanced the image of the organizers and VIPs, leaving the artists struggling and without much support.

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Moroccan Drama Moroccan Drama

Electricity Blackouts Caused By Moroccan Election Revenge

So far, everything was normal until I read this story about one collective counselor in the commune of Sidi Bouchab, the region of Souss Massa. He submitted an urgent petition asking a district worker to investigate the power blackouts in the 13th district, which he considered an act of revenge on the area’s residents by a candidate who punished the residents, who did not vote for him, by cutting off the electricity in the area. Are we in 2021 or a pre-historic era? While the question remains unanswered, the Moroccan drama continues…

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Moroccan Drama Moroccan Drama

Is the Moroccan Powerful Evil Eye Behind Moncef Slaoui's International Sex Scandal?

"Dr. Slaoui's behaviors are wholly unacceptable," GSK noted in a press release. "They represent an abuse of his leadership position, violate company policies, and are contrary to the strong values that define GSK's culture."

"Sexual harassment and any abuse of leadership position are strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated," GSK said in its release published by major media outlets worldwide.

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