Moroccan Drama Moroccan Drama

Moroccan Valentine's Day Controversy

Bimo wants to remind us to love ourselves, our parents, children, and partners (living with a partner out of wedlock will lead to jail time in Morocco). In my opinion, this is not a failed marketing campaign but rather a problem of a community that does not know how to express itself in love. Since when was saying "I love you" a crime?

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Moroccan Drama Moroccan Drama

Moroccan Woman Arrested for Insulting Quran

A 23-year-old resident of Italy posted what she called "Surat Whiskey" on her Facebook account, distorting Surat al-Kawthar in 2019 before leaving for Italy. Not knowing that the Moroccan authorities had issued a nationwide search warrant against her so that when she landed in Morocco to visit her family and spend the summertime over thereā€¦

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