Moroccan Drama Moroccan Drama

Ridouane Erramdani Slams A Moroccan Couple For Using Their Infant Child Death To Create A Buzz

Ridouane Erramdani, a famous Moroccan journalist, interviewed me in his controversial program “Fi Kafas Alitiham” “At the Dock” (like in a judicial court), on an episode that was listed among the ones which got record views on YouTube (click here to check it out).

Ramdani joined the critics of the controversial behavior of a Moroccan YouTuber and his wife with this heated message:

“I have seen people buying and selling their content and seeking online buzz. But I have never seen, nor have I imagined, that a couple would share a vlog about the death of their infant daughter [for clicks and views]. This is the utmost act of greed and inhumanity.”

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