Ramadan 40-Day Hypocrite Challenge
Ramadan 40-Day Hypocrite Challenge
It's no mystery that Morocco ranks number 1 as one of the top red wine producing countries in the whole Arab world. There's a famous joke that says at least we are for once number one in something. It's well known that Moroccans consume more wine than milk (even if serving alcohol to Muslims is prohibited by the religion and the law).
I love red wine, especially a good Bordeaux; most of my friends do, and many of them drink the whole year, but they will stop drinking wine and any other kind of alcohol 40 days before Ramadan, (the holy month of fasting in Islam in which Muslims traditionally refrain from eating and drinking during the day, only breaking their fasts after sundown) except that drinking alcohol is prohibited by Islam is law for the whole year, not only 40 days before Ramadan.
This rule always intrigued me and drives me crazy, especially that I've got many wild friends that do crazy shit, but when it comes to this strange rule of the "40-day" period, suddenly they step in line. Many believe that 40 days is the suitable period to get rid of the alcohol from their bodies and start their fast purely. For me, this “40 whatever” is a weird justification, as I asked some doctors who confirmed to me that filtering the alcohol from the blood takes only a few hours; that infamous "40-day" rule has nothing to do with the duration of blood filtering which will not exceed 24 hours at the most. For me, this made-up figure of “40-days” is 100% BS.
The issue of drinking alcohol is strictly forbidden religiously, so there is no room for making the issue of abstaining from it seasonally during the beginning of the month of Ramadan, nor by abstaining from drinking it, whether before or after 40 days. This belief is just a wrong societal idea that spread among Moroccans until it became an official habit that they follow whenever the blessed month of Ramadan approaches, supercharging these hypocrites into bigger hypocrites.
By the way, in the Qur'an, God curses such hypocrites and calls them unbelievers. The Qur'an also mentions that they are destined to reside in the most abysmal depths of Hell; I have many vices, but hypocrisy is not one of them, and I can't believe that most Muslims who fast know how nasty being hypocritical is, but many still follow this irrational and unproven, scientifically or religiously, tradition.
Just because they have become accustomed to the idea that whenever the "40-day" tradition approaches, they must follow others in their prevailing culture’s idea "that alcohol remains in the human body for forty days and they must cut it because their fasting will not be accepted in Ramadan.” This tradition is kinda ambiguous and schizophrenic since no one knows how it started. How schizo of them to uphold this bogus rule only to ignore it three days after the end of Ramadan and go back to party and drink as no tomorrow. They’ll act as if they’re holier than thou regarding drinking alcohol until the next period of 40 days before Ramadan. The schizophrenia that controls Morocco society enables the popularity of this myth to be practiced and believed, and only God knows when they’ll wake up, come to their senses, and stop playing God 40 days before Ramadan.
Moroccan Hypocrisy & Moroccan drama have something in common: None of them ever ends!
By Simo BB