Moroccan Drama Moroccan Drama

Moroccan Scandal Spotlighted On Australian Media

British newspaper “Daily Mail” quoted the Australian TV program “Current Affair” by reporting the details of the relationship between Faisal Khan, an Australian citizen, and a Moroccan girl, Asmae. They met on a website dedicated to marriage for Muslims. After months of chatting online, he decided to travel to Morocco, meet her, marry her, and take her to Australia.

After eight months, punctuated by many disputes, Faisal Khan discovered that his wife Asmae had married him based on obtaining an Australian visa. She did not love him, so he decided to divorce her. Discovering an email that Faisal sent to his lawyer to start the divorce procedure, she concocted an evil plan. According to the Australian TV program, he came back home to find the apartment completely trashed. Asmae was waiting for him to throw this in the face: “You think you are smart about me, and you’re talking to lawyers. Now see what I do to you,” as she ran out of the room to the elevator. In the elevator, CCTV caught her beating herself up before she fled the building and called the police. Growing up in Morocco, she forgot that the cameras are everywhere in Australia, including the elevator.

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Moroccan Drama Moroccan Drama

Moroccan Drama on Italian Media

The daylit party didn't last as long as they had hoped. While drinking and using drugs and sitting on the ground, a giant agricultural vehicle emerged and approached them. Stunned by drugs and not very lucid, they could not move immediately, and the combine harvester ended up crushing the two young Moroccan women, who were closest to its trajectory. Sara El Jaafari, 28, and Hanan Nekhla, 32, identified by Italian Media, were killed by a 28-year-old Italian farm machine driver, now under investigation for murder. He said the corn was very tall, and he saw nothing. The Italian newspapers reported that the Moroccan girls were thought to be asleep or possibly knocked out by drugs and alcohol when the tractor-driven threshing machine ran over them.

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