Moroccan Drama Moroccan Drama

Moroccan entertainment world disowned by Actor Hachem Bastaoui

Moroccan actor Hachem Bastaoui, son of a Moroccan movie star, the late Mohamed Bastaoui, took to Instagram to announce the end of his career. The young actor "disowned" his old profession. "I disavow myself before God for all the works in which I have participated. May God forgive us all. I would be grateful if you deleted all my photos," taking his fans and the public by storm. He is not the first to act apostatic in the Moroccan entertainment world and has deleted every photo relating to his previous roles.

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Moroccan Drama Moroccan Drama

Moroccan Pop Singer Manal Benchlikha & The Infamous Kiss

When Moroccan pop singer Manal Benchalikha posted a pic of herself kissing her husband on her Instagram profile, it sparked widespread controversy on Moroccan social media, calling her all of the names under the sun. Thank God they are legally married. If he were her boyfriend, she would be behind bars right now.

According to the religious and actual laws, it is illegal for unmarried members of the opposite sex to hang out alone together in the same place. This law enables nosy neighbors to call the police on anyone suspected of breaking this law.

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Moroccan Drama Moroccan Drama

Moroccans & The Spanish Hug Controversy

Moroccans & The Spanish Hug Controversy

Most young Moroccans dream of leaving the country for Europe to embrace a better life than the one in Africa were commenting about the picture, saying that all wants to end up between her arms to feel the European hug. The Red Cross paramedic stated to the media that her gesture was his lifeline and the most normal thing in the world. Many of these European dream seekers took for granted and commented that they would follow the same path to get the Spanish "Hug of the Year."

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Moroccan Drama Moroccan Drama

Moroccan Imam & Pedophilia in Tangier

Moroccan Imam & Pedophilia in Tangier

One of the stories that went viral lately in Morocco was about an imam (Islamic prayer leader) of a mosque in Morocco who confessed to raping six minors. He was supposed to be teaching them the Qur'an, but he was giving them a different type of lesson. One of the children's mothers in the village of Al-Zumaij in Morocco exposed the scandal when she revealed that the imam had sexually assaulted her daughter before she was added to other children who told similar stories.

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